by Regina G. Feeney and Cynthia J. Krieg
What does Larry Gumbs love about the Library? “It’s a lot more than just bo
Mr. Gumbs is a proud Vietnam veteran. He served as a naval officer for almost seven years in San Diego and Japan. He and Marianne spent six years in the U.S. Virgin Islands before moving to Freeport in 1973. He worked as a social worker for the Freeport Family Community Project.
In 1980, Mr. Gumbs began working at Family Services in Hempstead. After 20 years, he retired and has now begun a new career as what he calls a “professional volunteer.” Using his social work background, Mr. Gumbs has counseled Vietnam veterans, and he will soon volunteer as a financial counselor for teens at the Family and Children’s Center in Hempstead.
Mr. Gumbs loves not just the Freeport Library; he loves all libraries. When he and Marianne travel, they often find themselves in the local public library. The Gumbs family loves to travel. They have been to Oregon to visit one son and attended their other son’s wedding in India. They plan to visit Eastern Europe in the near future. Before any of their trips, they come to the Freeport Memorial Library to borrow travel books. But for Larry Gumbs, the Library offers much more than books. He loves the free movies, lectures, and concerts.
The Library has benefited greatly from Mr. Gumbs’ volunteer spirit. In 2005, he became president of the Friends of the Freeport Memorial Library. As president, he has helped raise money for Library programs and much needed equipment. He would like more people to join the Friends.
Since 1975, the Friends of the Freeport Memorial Library have served as capable fundraisers and advocates for the Library. Over the years, the Friends have helped the Library expand, they purchased a piano for concerts, and they made generous donations including: chairs for the meeting rooms, a video projector and a laptop computer used for programs, and the large display screen in the lobby. The Friends also sponsor many programs including an annual holiday concert. For more information about the Friends, visit the Library’s website: